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PHILADELPHIA – George Soros has been arrested, and is currently in federal custody in Philadelphia. According to a recently unsealed indictment filed in the West District of Pennsylvania, Soros committed a slew of serious crimes prior to the US election.

The indictment focuses only on the criminal activity Soros participated in prior to the election, such as wire fraud, identity theft, and damage to computers.

The FBI stated that the indictment will likely be updated to reflect election interference charges in relation to Dominion Voting, once the full scale of Soros’ operations is known. Soros is currently being interrogated by the FBI.


It also notable that the judge put a publication ban on Soros’ arrest, however, those laws don’t apply to Canadian Media – like the Conservative Beaver.

Rebel News – a renowned alternative media outlet – previously reported on the connection between George Soros, the Tides Foundation, and Dominion Voting.



西班牙2020年11月23日电/喜西社/——本周一,加拿大“保守海狸”(Conservative Beaver)网站刊文透露,乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)已被捕,目前被联邦拘留在费城。 根据最近在宾夕法尼亚州西区提起的起诉书,索罗斯在美国大选之前犯下了一系列严重罪行。

文章称,起诉书仅针对索罗斯在选举前参与的犯罪活动,例如电信欺诈,身份盗窃和计算机破坏。联邦调查局表示,一旦知道索罗斯的全部行动,起诉书可能会进行更新,以反映与“多米尼”(Dominion)投票系统有关的选举干预指控。 联邦调查局目前正在对索罗斯进行讯问。此外,法官发布了关于索罗斯被捕的信息公开禁令,但是,这些法律不适用于加拿大媒体,例如“保守海狸”。




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Posted in 热点新闻, 美国大选, 美国新闻

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